Baby Reindeer in Court: Navigating the Defamation Lawsuit and Legal Issues Baby Reindeer, a popular British Netflix series released on April 11, 2024, has garnered the attention of 22 million viewers worldwide.  A couple of reasons for its heightened viewership are its dark comedy complemented by its edgy storyline and the telling of the...
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Defenses against defamation claims
Introduction Defamation lawsuits are difficult to manage, whether you’re a plaintiff or a defendant. The nature of free speech protects citizens from being sued for the majority of negative statements they make. This is a good thing; without these protections, people could be censored for calling attention to negative aspects of another person’s character. But...
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Ludwin Law Group | Adam Ludwin | The Basics of Non-Compete Agreements
[vc_row full_width="stretch_row_content_no_spaces"][vc_column][vc_column_text]The saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me” becomes irrelevant when it comes to defamation. Words can and will hurt us despite the message our literary forefathers were attempting to drive home....
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